Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 2- 5th and 6th Graders

Today, once the kids arrived at the Center, the campers and counselors walked to the nearby orchard.  Here the campers learned about the parts of a plant and how to tell when the fruit is ready to pick.  They picked apples, grapes,raspberries, and mulberries.

Next, the kids went back to the Center and in small groups learned how to harvest plants. They picked collard greens and kale! Then the campers also got to make lego aligator robots! They got to use a lego computer program to program the alligators to move the mouths and make noises.

For lunch everyone had sandwiches, chips, mixed greens, and lemonade. Nakiea made a delicious vegetable medley with the greens that the students picked from the garden earlier today!

We then taught the campers about insects! We went into the importance of insects and why plants need them! Jeff actually brought in hissing cockroaches to show the kids! After learning about the insects the kids had a chance to go into the garden and catch some of the bugs they learned about! Most kids caught rolly polly's and ants.

Finally, they had plant science with Aster.  They learned what the acronym PLANTS stood for ( Place, air, nutrients, thirsty, soil). Aster also taught them about the parts of the a plant.  They then watched a short video about how one seed can create a forest!

We ended the day with a brief reflection time! 

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